Tuesday, July 14, 2009

14 july: impro task from jasmine

i watched the video of the work i did in jasmine's impro task for today. it had a different feel than my previous impros this week. i like the calm. i like the angle: shot from the floor, much of the back, not the face or any expression. i like the relationship between the camera and the dancer. there's less intrusion somehow - maybe in the simplicity. maybe the dancer is not trying to show off?

there is an aspect of the video that feels almost defeatist. interestingly this gives new light to my exploration of the hidden self versus the exposed self. rather than using the "hidden" as a larger, angrier, bigger, more forceful personality, while the "exposed shows a refined person, maybe the energies can be reversed. maybe the hidden person is the internal monologue, and the outgoing one has aspects of a put-on, larger-than-life being.

thanks for the task, jasmine!